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Mission & History

The Probation Peace Officers Association of Contra Costa County is a nonprofit mutual benefit corporation.  We are founded on the principle that our members are united in mutual interest and action in a spirit of cooperation to exercise our constitutional freedoms to best promote our welfare. Peace Officers Bill of Rights >


Our purpose is to advance officer safety and promote harmonious employee relations between Contra Costa County and the PPOACCC.  We will work to establish an equitable and peaceful procedure for the resolution of any differences in the establishment of salaries, working conditions and any other conditions of employment.  Where appropriate we will participate in legislative and political programs consistent with our mission.  We will continue to encourage the professional growth of PPOACCC members through education, training and research as it relates to the field of probation and law enforcement.  We will provide for the welfare of PPOACCC members by establishing a legal defense program.  We will focus on building a positive bridge between the PPOACCC members and the communities that we serve.


The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors approved resolution 140/2007 on March 6, 2007, which made the Probation Peace Officers Association of Contra Costa County the sole representative of the members of the Probation Unit.

This marked the start of a new beginning in our relationship between the Probation Unit members and Management.  We are all dedicated to making this a positive interaction and we will work very hard to make sure that we all do our jobs and work toward the common goal of protecting the community, our members and those who have been entrusted in to our care.

The beginning of this process started before March 6, 2007.  For over 30 years the members of the Probation Department of Contra Costa County, were represented by Union Local #1.  During this time Local #1 had a Probation Unit that represented the Probation Officers and another one that represented the Probation Counselors.  There were many positive results of this arrangement over the years, which included the Probation Department getting peace officer retirement of 3% at 50.

During the contract negotiation of 2006 many Probation members came to believe that many of their concerns were not being addressed during the process.  When the final contract negotiated by Local #1 was approved by a majority of all Local #1 members the Probation members felt that their concerns were not addressed.

So in October of 2006 a small group of Probation Counselors headed by Mark Weber decided to form the Probation Peace Officers Association of Contra Costa County and begin the process that would have this Association recognized as the bargaining unit for the Probation Department.  During October a petition was circulated and enough members signed to gain informal recognition.  But to break about a vote another petition needed to be circulated to bring about a vote by all members.

The formal recognition of the Probation Peace Officers of Contra Costa County occurred on November 20, 2006, by the Board of Supervisors.   This set in motion the election process that was completed on February 22, 2007.  The Probation Peace Officers Association of Contra Costa County won the election. 




The minutes for the April Executive Board Meeting are now posted.
For current Members only>

Forms and instructions for reporting an issue or concern.>